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  1. The Bounds of Sense: An Essay on Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason.".P. R. Strawson, Jonathan Bennett, D. P. Dryer & Arnulf Zweig - 1967 - Ethics 78 (1):89-90.
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    Kant's Solution for Verification in Metaphysics.D. P. Dryer - 1966 - Toronto,: Routledge.
    First published in 1966. Professor Dryer has furnished a highly illuminating account of Kant’s _Critique of Pure Reason _by unfolding its central argument. _Kant’s Solution for Verification in Metaphysics _brings out the light which Kant has to throw on central topics of philosophy. It takes its place as an indispensable guide to every student of the _Critique of Pure Reason. _.
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  3. Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Volume X, Essays on Ethics, Religion and Society.John Stuart Mill, J. M. Robson, F. E. L. Priestley & D. P. Dryer - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (173):252-254.
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  4. Aristotle’s Conception of Orthos Logos.D. P. Dryer - 1983 - The Monist 66 (1):106-119.
    Early in the Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle writes, “It is a common principle which must be accepted that we must act in accord with orthos logos. What orthos logos is will be discussed later”. Although scholars have pored over Aristotle’s Ethics for centuries and can paraphrase what he says about orthos logos, obscurity remains as to just what he understands by it. This obscurity can be dispelled by focusing once again on those few sections in Aristotle familiar to all students of (...)
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    An Interpretation of Part of the Transcendental Deduction.D. P. Dryer - 1980 - Dialogue 19 (3):469-476.
    No one should be put off from reading Miles' Logik undMetaphysik bei Kant by his telling us that he is following the ‘phenomenological-philological method’ Heidegger practiced, as shown in his Phenomenological Interpretation of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, his earliest work on Kant and his last to be published. I do not claim to understand Miles' conception of this method. Whatever it be, what Miles actually presents is a careful examination of a number of crucial passages in Kant's first Critique (...)
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  6.  34
    Bennett's Account of the Transcendental Dialectic.D. P. Dryer - 1976 - Dialogue 15 (1):118-132.
    Jonathan Bennett has produced a sequel to his book on the first half of the Critique of Pure Reason. He does not try to cover all the rest of the Critique. He restricts himself to the Transcendental Dialectic. He rightly claims that his is the only book in English treating exclusively of the Dialectic as a whole. It is not written as a commentary dealing with passage by passage. Many passages are left untreated. A distinctive merit is his extensive comparison (...)
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  7. Fred R. Berger, Happiness, Justice & Freedom: The Moral and Political Philosophy of John Stuart Mill Reviewed by.D. P. Dryer - 1985 - Philosophy in Review 5 (6):237-239.
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  8.  17
    (1 other version)Justice, Liberty, and the Principle of Utility in Mill.D. P. Dryer - 1979 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 5:63-73.
    Mill is neither an act-utilitarian nor a rule-utilitarian. Although he professes to regard “utility as the ultimate appeal on all ethical questions”, he in fact makes no appeal to it in determining in Utilitarianism what actions are “of more absolute obligation than any others”. Nor does he appeal to it in his arguments for the two main conclusions of his essay, On Liberty.
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  9.  38
    Kant's Theoretical Philosophy: A Commentary to the Central Part of the "Critique of Pure Reason.".D. P. Dryer, Felix Grayeff & David Walford - 1972 - Philosophical Review 81 (3):389.
  10.  29
    No Title available: PHILOSOPHY.D. P. Dryer - 1968 - Philosophy 43 (165):295-298.
  11. Richard E. Aquila, Matter in Mind: A Study of Kant's Transcendental Deduction Reviewed by.D. P. Dryer - 1990 - Philosophy in Review 10 (3):91-92.
  12.  31
    The Aim of the Critique of Pure Reason.D. P. Dryer - 1963 - Dialogue 2 (3):301-312.
  13.  82
    The Concept of Existence In Kant.D. P. Dryer - 1966 - The Monist 50 (1):17-33.
    I shall unfold Kant’s views on three topics. Kant holds that knowledge of anything’s existence is obtained only by existential judgments. He distinguishes several respects in which the predicate of such a judgment differs from other predicates. In the light of these, Kant sets forth what is required for verifying existential judgments.
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  14. The Transcendental Deduction Rescrutinized.D. P. Dryer - 1981 - Philosophical Forum 13 (1):15.
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  15.  58
    Utilitarianism, For and Against.D. P. Dryer - 1975 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):549 - 559.
    Utilitarianism, For and Against contains in a single volume a slightly revised version of An Outline of a System of Utilitarian Ethics which J. J. C. Smart published in 1961, together with a critique of it by Bernard Williams. Stuart Hampshire gives another critique in Morality and Pessimism.* After touching on Hampshire I shall outline what seems distinctive of Smart's utilitarianism then consider Williams’ objections.If I remember rightly, Bentham wrote an ‘analysis of the effects of Christianity on the temporal happiness (...)
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  16.  75
    Review: Bennett, Kant's Analytic. [REVIEW]D. P. Dryer - 1968 - Dialogue 6 (4):610-612.
  17.  73
    Kant's Dialectic By Jonathan Bennett Cambridge University Press, 1974, 291 pp., £4.90, £1.90 paper. [REVIEW]D. P. Dryer - 1976 - Philosophy 51 (195):110-.
  18.  22
    Critical notice. [REVIEW]D. P. Dryer - 1977 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):413-423.
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  19.  77
    Review: Beck, Kant Studies Today. [REVIEW]D. P. Dryer - 1971 - Dialogue 10 (4):847-850.
  20.  21
    Progress and Regress in Philosophy. By Leonard Nelson. Toronto: Copp Clark Publishing Co., 1971, 2 v., pp. xii, 256, ix, 305, $14.25. [REVIEW]D. P. Dryer - 1973 - Dialogue 12 (1):127-129.
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  21. Philosophie et Sciences de l'homme. [REVIEW]D. P. Dryer - 1968 - Dialogue 6 (4):610.
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